I was so excited to see this item. All of my garden tools were leaning in a messy corner of my garage. After I bought two broad pine planks to support the rack, and got a carpenter friend to attach them to my garage wall and secure the rack, I tried to put all of my tool there and was very frustrated that I couldn't. Because the bottom "hangers"--fior lack of a better word to describe the square bracket that stick our--are between the spaces of the top ones, the handle of a tool you place on top goes OVER the bottom row, so that you can't use it. The handles of the top tools fillip that space. Also, if you have traditional handles that your fingers loop through, the tool will take up one holder. But if you have high quality handmade wooden handles with a cross-piece on top instead, they will take up two spaces. So now that I've invested money in wood and used my friend's time, I certainly can't return it. But it's only holding seven or eight tools--certainly not worth the investment form my point of view. I would attach a photo, but there's no place here for me to do that.