I bought five sets of disks and 16" baskets and installed them on our own 4x4 treated lumber posts in a sunny location. The instructions say to plant an astronomical 25 plants per pot. I know that 25 plants would fill in and make a nice show very quickly, but aside from being terribly expensive, I knew that the plants would become rootbound and crowded very soon. So I planted only ten plants per pot, a mixture of sun-tolerant begonias (Big and Surefire) and coleus (Main Street varieties), six around the sides (every second hole) and four in the top. It took them several weeks to fill in, but by mid-July they were looking good. By the end of July they were drying out quickly and I was watering twice a day. I was pretty happy with my first attempt at these, but learned a few things. The coleus were very rambunctious and took over the baskets, eventually becoming leggy and unattractive. Some of the branches even broke off. Well-timed pruning would probably have helped, and maybe less fertilizer. But overall, the effect was pretty nice. I am looking forward to next season and will be trying different plants.